Godło Polski Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology


Regulations for the Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology
§ 1
General provisions
  1. The Regulations for the Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology (DSBUT), hereinafter called ‘the Regulations’, determine the mode and organisation of education in the Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology and the related rights and obligations of doctoral students.
  2. Whenever these Regulations refer to:
    1. DSBUT – it shall mean the Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology;
    2. University – it shall mean Bialystok University of Technology;
    3. Rector – it shall mean Rector of Bialystok University of Technology;
    4. Senate – it shall mean the Senate of Bialystok University of Technology;
    5. Act – it shall mean as the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 478, as amended);
    6. Introductory Act – it shall mean the Act of 3 July 2018 – provisions introducing the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1669, as amended);
    7. Director – it shall mean the Director of the Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology;
    8. discipline – it shall mean a scientific discipline or an artistic discipline;
    9. Council – it shall mean the Scientific Council of the School;
    10. Discipline Council – it shall mean councils appointed by the Senate pursuant to art. 85 (1) of the Statute of Bialystok University of Technology;
    11. Head of Discipline – it shall mean the person in charge of doctoral studies in a given discipline.
  1. The DSBUT provides education in the following academic disciplines:
    1. automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies;
    2. information and communication technology;
    3. biomedical engineering;
    4. civil engineering, geodesy and transport;
    5. mechanical engineering;
    6. environmental engineering, mining and energy;
    7. management and quality studies.
  1. The decision on the establishment and closure of the DSBUT is made by the Rector with the opinion of the Senate.
§ 2
Organizational structure of the School
  1. The DSBUT is a non-departmental unit.
  2. The School shall be managed by the Director, who shall be the direct supervisor of doctoral students.
  3. The function of the Director may be performed by an academic teacher with the title of professor or a DSc degree (doktor habilitowany)
  4. The Director is appointed by the Rector for the term of the Senate, after the Senate’s opinion.
  5. The Director is dismissed by the Rector.
  6. The opinion and advisory bodies of the Director are: the Council, the DSBUT Curriculum Committee and the DSBUT Education Quality Committee
  7. The Council is made up of the Director and the Heads of Disciplines. The Chair of the Council shall be the Director.
  8. The Head of Discipline may be an academic teacher with the title of professor or a DSc degree (doktor habilitowany) representing the discipline.
  9. The Head of Discipline shall be appointed and dismissed by the Rector upon the proposal of the Director with the opinion of the relevant Discipline Council.
  10. The number of places in particular disciplines for a given academic year shall be proposed by Discipline Councils are forwarded to the Director. The Rector sets the limits upon the request of the Director.
  11. The responsibilities of the Director are:
    1. coordinating the work of the Council;
    2. supervising the overall functioning of the DSBUT;
    3. making decisions in all matters concerning the DSBUT, not reserved to the competence of the bodies of the University;
    4. submitting motions concerning the DSBUT to the appropriate bodies of the University;
    5. carrying out other activities provided for by the law, the provisions of the Statutes, and the resolutions and orders of the bodies of the University;
    6. disposing, within the scope of the authorization granted, of the financial resources planned in the University’s Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled for the functioning of the DSBUT;
    7. examining complaints of doctoral students in all matters concerning the DSBUT, not reserved for the competence of the University authorities;
    8. giving permission for doctoral students to do internships and conduct research in scientific institutions outside the University;
    9. preparing the Regulations for the DSBUT;
    10. formulating and, after approval from the University Senate, making public admission rules of the DSBUT;
    11. developing the curriculum of the DSBUT, including the programme of internships;
    12. cooperating with Discipline Councils on education of doctoral students;
    13. cooperating with the social and economic environment on education of doctoral students;
    14. cooperating with the Council of Doctoral Students Self-government;
    15. approving the staffing of the educational programme of the school upon a positive opinion of the DSBUT Curriculum Committee;
    16. preparing an annual report on DSBUT activities for the academic year, which is submitted to the Rector by the end of December of each calendar year;
    17. preparing a self-evaluation report in Polish and English for the needs of education quality evaluation;
    18. entering, updating, archiving and deleting data in the Integrated System of Information on Science and Higher Education “POL-on” concerning doctoral students studying in the DSBUT;
    19. supervising the documentation of the course of education;
    20. organizing the implementation of the doctoral students education programme;
    21. direct supervising of the on-going education process;
    22. supporting grant activity and national and international mobility of doctoral students;
    23. issuing administrative decisions under the authority of the Rector.
  1. The responsibilities of the Council include preparing:
    1. admission rules of the DSBUT;
    2. regulations for the DSBUT;
    3. the curriculum, including the internship programme;
    4. guidelines and rules for preparing an individual research plan for DSBUT doctoral students;
    5. the manner and principles of conducting the mid-term evaluation of DSBUT doctoral students;
    6. a self-evaluation report for the needs of education quality evaluation.
  1. The responsibilities of a Head of Discipline are:
    1. proposing the composition of admissions committees;
    2. proposing staffing within disciplines;
    3. organizing the implementation of the doctoral education programme in a given discipline;
    4. directly supervising the ongoing process of education in a given discipline;
    5. supporting grant activity and national and international mobility of doctoral students;
    6. proposing the composition of the committee for the mid-term evaluation of doctoral students;
    7. assessing doctoral students’ reports on the progress of their research work for the academic year;
    8. establishing a list of modules, which doctoral students teach or participate in teaching as part of their internship in consultation with the head of the department/division and the Dean;
    9. settlement of a professional training.
  1. The Secretariat is an auxiliary body of the Director. The tasks of the Secretariat include in particular:
    1. administering current matters within the competence of the Director;
    2. coordinating matters related to the course and progress of education;
    3. operating the university’s information systems related to the progress of education of doctoral students;
    4. operating the national information systems related to the education of doctoral students;
    5. other matters assigned by the Director.
  1. The Council of Doctoral Students Self-government shall be the exclusive representative of all doctoral students of the university.
§ 3
  1. The admissions procedures are determined by the University Senate and are made public, together with the curriculum, on the School’s website no later than five months before the start of recruitment. Recruitment should be completed by 20 September of a given year.
  2. The documents required for admission to the DSBUT are listed in Appendix 1.
  3. A person admitted to the DSBUT shall commence education and acquire the rights of a doctoral student upon taking the oath.
Organization of the education process
  1. Doctoral students education in the DSBUT prepares to obtain a doctoral degree.
  2. Doctoral students studies in the DSBUT have the form of full-time courses and lasts 4 years (8 semesters).
  3. There are no fees for doctoral students education.
  4. The education of doctoral students in the DSBUT shall be based on an educational programme and an individual research plan.
  5. The curriculum shall be approved by the University Senate subject to the requirement of consulting the Council of Doctoral Students Self-government.
  6. The curriculum shall include obligatory courses, as well as optional courses to be found in a base of optional courses.
  7. Carrying out the education programme shall lead to the achievement of learning outcomes that take into account the general characteristics of learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualification Framework, as defined in the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Integrated Qualification System (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 226) and in the regulations issued on the basis of Article 7, paragraph 3 of that Act.
  8. The detailed schedule of obligatory classes for a given semester shall be made known to doctoral students by the Director on the DSBUT website 14 days before the beginning of classes.
  9. A doctoral student, in agreement with his/her supervisor(s), shall develop an Individual Research Plan taking into account the tasks given in Appendix 3 and submit it to the Director through the Head of Discipline no later than 12 months after the date of commencement of education. The planned tasks in the Individual Research Plan should meet the learning outcomes SD_W1, SD_W2, SD_U1, SD_U2, SD_K1 according to the DSBUT educational programme.
  10. The decision of the Director to accept the presented individual research plan or to refuse it is made within 14 working days.
  11. The doctoral student has the right to appeal from the Director’s decision to the Vice-Rector for Research within 7 working days from the date of receiving the decision. The Vice-Rector for Research makes the final decision in this case.
  12. The final refusal to accept the individual research plan may constitute the basis for the removal of the student from the list of doctoral students pursuant to §6 (12) (2) of the Regulations.
  13. In the event of discontinuation of the education of doctoral students in a given discipline, the University shall ensure that doctoral students preparing a doctoral thesis in that discipline may continue their education at another doctoral school in that discipline.
  14. In case no other doctoral school offers education in a given discipline, the University shall cover the costs of the proceedings for the award of the doctoral degree in the extramural mode for persons who have lost the opportunity to complete their education.
  15. Persons employed at the University who are pursuing a doctoral thesis in the extramural mode may, with the consent of the Director, participate in obligatory classes and optional classes selected by DSBUT doctoral students.
  16. Detailed curriculum includes:
    1. the elements of the curriculum:
      a) name of a course;
      b) number of hours;
      c) the ways of verifying and assessing the learning outcomes achieved by a doctoral student in particular forms of classes.
    2. additional elements not forming part of the curriculum:
      a) detailed educational content of courses (detailed programme of lectures and other classes);
      b) educational methods and techniques;
      c) the conditions and methods for completing individual classes, including the rules on re-sit and the conditions for taking examinations;
      d) rules for participation in individual classes, indicating whether student’s attendance is obligatory;
      e) recommended literature and teaching aids;
      f) academic publications of the lecturers related to the subject matter of each course.
    3. course description cards for a given semester shall not be changed during that semester.
§ 5
Organisation of a professional training for doctoral students
  1. A doctoral student of SDPB shall undergo a professional training in the form of teaching or participating in the teaching of classes, not exceeding 60 teaching hours per year. The number of hours of professional training for doctoral students shall be determined by the Head of Discipline in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty.
  2. The Head of the Department/Division in cooperation with the Head of Discipline shall be responsible for the selection of the module(s) to be taught individually or to participate in the teaching of the doctoral student.
  3. The list of modules taught by doctoral students, or in which doctoral students participate in teaching, shall be drawn up at the faculties and entered in USOSadm.
  4. The list of modules taught by doctoral students or in which doctoral students participate in teaching, completed and signed by the Dean, is submitted to the Secretariat of DSBUT.
  5. A doctoral student teaching his/her own modules is obliged to have a written agreement for unpaid professional training (Appendix 6).
  6. Participation in the teaching of classes should be understood as e.g. participation of a doctoral student in the classes conducted by another employee as well as his/her cooperation with the teacher in the preparation of the classes, both before their commencement (e.g. familiarisation with the syllabus, discussion of the content, methods) and after their completion (e.g. analysis of the classes, summaries, comments, conclusions).
  7. Professional training shall be credited by the Head of Discipline on the basis of data included in Appendix 8.
§ 6
Course of studies
  1. The settlement period is one academic year. Each academic year is divided into 2 semesters according to the academic calendar approved by the Rector.
  2. The education shall be conducted on the basis of a study plan and an individual research plan.
  3. Results of examinations and final tests are published in the USOSweb system.
  4. Modules can be completed (passed) on the basis of the assessment of the doctoral students’ achievements in a given semester, allowing for the evaluation to the extent to which the particular learning outcomes have been achieved.
  5. Each doctoral student has the right to take one re-sit examination in each failed module. If a doctoral student obtains a negative grade in a re-sit examination, the Director of the DSBUT may decide that the student must repeat the module.
  6. A doctoral student who is absent from an examination/final test on the date provided for in the examination schedule and have not justified their absence within 3 days from the date of the examination, lose the opportunity to take the examination. Unjustified absence during examinations/final tests shall be considered as not passing the examinations/final tests and results in a negative grade.
  7. A doctoral student who objects to the correctness of examinations/final tests, has the right to submit a justified request for a special committee examination/final test to the Director of the DSBUTs within three days from the date the results of the examinations are published.
  8. The Director may institute special committee examinations/final tests that should take place within seven working days from the request date.
  9. Special committee examinations/final tests shall take place before committees including the following persons:
    1. president of the committee – an expert in a specific discipline, who is an academic teacher with the title of Professor or a DSc degree (doktor habilitowany);
    2. two examiners – specialists in the subject to which the examination/final test pertains or in a related subject;
    3. a doctoral student’s supervisor and, upon request of the student, a person from the Council of Doctoral Students Self-government appointed by the student, may be present during the special committee examination/final test as observer.
  1. Decision on registration for the following year is taken by the Director on the basis of the progress report, the opinion of the supervisor and the obtained grades.
  2. A doctoral student may be removed from the register of doctoral students in case of:
    1) a negative mid-term evaluation;
    2) failure to submit the doctoral thesis within the deadline specified in the individual research plan;
    3) resignation from studies;
    4) failure to commence studies within 30 days;
    5) violation of the prohibition referred to in art. 200 (7) or art. 209 (10);
    6) being punished with the disciplinary penalty of expulsion from the doctoral school.
  1. The Director of the DSBUT may issue his decision on removing a student from the register of doctoral students due to:
    1) unsatisfactory progress in the preparation of the thesis as assessed by a panel of experts appointed on its own initiative or upon request of the supervisor or a Head of Discipline;
    2) failure to comply with obligations under the Regulations of the DSBUT,
    3) failure to follow the study programme,
    4) failure to follow the individual research plan.
  1. Removal from the list of doctoral students shall be effected by an administrative decision of the Rector. Such administrative decision may be signed by the authorised Director. Decisions can be appealed against to the Rector within 14 days from the date of the reception of the decision on removing a student.
§ 7
Procedure for appointing and changing a supervisor(s) or an assistant supervisor
  1. The scientific supervision of the preparation of a doctoral thesis shall be provided by:
    1. a supervisor(s) or
    2. a supervisor and an assistant supervisor.
  1. A supervisor shall be a person:
    1. holding the academic title of Professor or
    2. holding the academic degree of DSc (doktor habilitowany) or
    3. not holding the degree of DSc (doktor habilitowany) or the title of Professor, but an employee of a foreign university or scientific institution, if the Senate of the University decides that the person has significant achievements in the scientific field covered by the doctoral thesis and
    4. a person, who meets at least one of the conditions included in points 1-3, who is an author or co-author of at least 4 scientific publications from the represented discipline in journals or conference materials from the current ministerial list published within the period of 4 calendar years, including the year of applying for supervision.
  1. Both an employee of the University and an employee from outside the University, whose employment at the University ends within 4 calendar years, may be a supervisor, provided that they receive permission to act as a supervisor from the Rector.
  2. An assistant supervisor shall be a person with an academic degree of a doctor.
  3. One supervisor shall not supervise simultaneously more than 4 doctoral students, and one assistant supervisor not more than 2.
  4. A supervisor shall not be a person, who, within the last 5 years:
    1. was a supervisor of 4 doctoral students who were removed from the register due to a negative mid-term evaluation, or
    2. supervised the preparation of a doctoral thesis by at least 2 persons who did not obtain positive reviews.
  1. A doctoral student, within 30 days from the date of commencement of education, applies to the Discipline Council via the Director for the appointment of a supervisor(s) or an assistant supervisor (Appendix 4).
  2. The application shall include:
    1. a list of candidates for a supervisor(s) or an assistant supervisor with justification;
    2. a consent of the persons listed in paragraph 7, point 1 (Appendix 5).
  1. The Discipline Council shall, by an absolute majority of votes, in a secret ballot, adopt a resolution on the appointment of a supervisor(s) or an assistant supervisor within 3 months of the date of commencement of the doctoral student’s education.
  2. An academic staff member of the University may not, without a justifiable reason, withdraw from the function of a supervisor, an assistant supervisor, a reviewer in the proceedings for the conferment of the degree of doctor, as well as from the function of a reviewer referred to in Article 238 (2) of the Act.
  3. The procedure for changing a doctoral student’s supervisor(s) or an assistant supervisor is initiated:
    1. upon request of a doctoral student submitted through the Director to the relevant Discipline Council with justification and indication of the proposal for a new supervisor(s) or an assistant supervisor;
    2. upon request of a supervisor or an assistant supervisor submitted through the Director to the relevant Discipline Council together with a justification documenting the occurrence of the circumstances listed in paragraph 12.
  1. In justified cases, a supervisor or an assistant supervisor may relinquish the function of a supervisor, in particular due to:
    1. termination of employment at Bialystok University of Technology;
    2. health or random reasons forcing limitation of professional and scientific activity;
    3. conflict with a doctoral student.
  1. In the event that the change is made upon request of the supervisor less than 6 months before the mid-term evaluation, the negative result of this evaluation is included in the criterion referred to in Article 190 (6) (1) of the Act in relation to this supervisor.
  2. The Discipline Council, by an absolute majority vote, shall pass a resolution by secret ballot to change a supervisor(s) or an assistant supervisor.
§ 8
Change of research topic
  1. At the latest 6 months before the deadline for submission of the individual research plan, the doctoral student may request the Director to change the research topic
    within the discipline to which he/ she belongs.
  2. Change of a research topic is possible only in case of total fulfilment of conditions:
    1. the need to appoint a new supervisor for the reasons specified in § 7 (12) (1) and (2) of the Regulations or in the event of the death of the current supervisor;
    2. no possibility of substantive and competent further supervision of the research topic for which the doctoral student was recruited, by another person from the university representing the given scientific discipline.
  1. The doctoral candidate may indicate another research topic in the same discipline from among those approved by the Discipline Council.
  2. In the event that the new supervisor chosen by the doctoral student does not submit a topic within the framework of the recruitment procedure or none of the topics submitted by him/ her falls within the competence of the doctoral students, the prospective supervisor submits a new topic, and the doctoral candidate includes it in the application referred to in § 7 (11) (1) of the Regulations.
  3. The Director shall decide on the revision of the research topic after consulting the Council and the relevant Discipline Council.
§ 9
Mid-term evaluation
  1. The mid-term evaluation shall be carried out by a committee that consists of 3 persons, including 1 person outside the University holding the title of Professor or the academic degree of a DSc (doktor habilitowany) in the discipline in which the doctoral thesis is being prepared or a person referred to in the art. 190 (5) of the Act.
  2. The supervisor and the assistant supervisor may not be members of the committee.
  3. A member of the committee employed outside the university shall be entitled to a remuneration of 20% of the professor’s salary.
  4. The result of the mid-term evaluation shall be a positive or a negative grade.
  5. The result of the evaluation, together with a justification, shall be made public.
  6. The doctoral student may appeal against the result of the mid-term evaluation to the Vice-Rector for Research within 7 days
  7. Detailed criteria, documentation templates and a detailed mode of mid-term evaluation are determined by the Rector’s regulation.
Conditions for extension of the deadline for submission of a doctoral thesis and suspension of education
  1. The Director may, upon request of a doctoral student, extend the deadline for the submission of a doctoral thesis, specified in the individual research plan, by no more than 2 years, in special circumstances:
    1. occurrence of unpredictable random events;
    2. temporary inability to pursue studies due to illness;
    3. the need for personal care of a sick family member;
    4. the need for personal care of a child up to the age of four or a child with a certified disability;
    5. the need for long-term scientific research or artistic work;
    6. participation in internships abroad, participation in grants/ projects involving an absence from the DSBUT of more than 30 days.
  1. The Director may, at the request of a doctoral student, suspend his/her education in special circumstances:
    1. maternity leave;
    2. leave on maternity leave conditions;
    3. paternity leave;
    4. parental leave.
  1. Education, at the request of a doctoral student, shall be suspended for a period corresponding to the duration of maternity leave, leave on maternity leave conditions, paternity leave and parental leave, as specified in the Act of 26 June 1974 – Labour Code.
  2. A doctoral student shall submit an update of the individual research plan immediately after the end of the suspension of education.
  3. The application for extending the deadline for submission of a doctoral thesis is included in Appendix 9.
  4. The application for suspension of education is included in Appendix 10.
§ 11
Rights and obligations of a doctoral student
  1. A doctoral student has the right to:
    1. receive an electronic doctoral student ID card;
    2. receive a doctoral scholarship;
    3. apply for accommodation in one of the University’s students’ hostels;
    4. apply for accommodation for their spouses and/or their children in one of the University’s students’ hostels., under rules laid down in separate provisions;
    5. a holiday break of maximum eight weeks per year;
    6. have his/ her education suspended for the period corresponding to the duration of maternity leave, leave on maternity leave conditions, paternity leave and parental leave, as defined in the Act of 26 June 1974 – Labour Code (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1040, as amended);
    7. associate in university doctoral students organizations and associations;
    8. receive the scientific supervision of a supervisor or supervisors in the preparation of a doctoral thesis;
    9. change a scientific supervisor(s) in justified cases;
    10. modify the individual research plan if justified after the mid-term evaluation;
    11. use laboratories, scientific and research equipment and apparatus as well as library collections and IT resources to the extent necessary for the implementation of the curriculum, individual research plan and preparation of the doctoral thesis, pursuant to the rules laid down in separate provisions;
    12. receive support in preparing grant applications;
    13. research internships;
    14. have an unexcused absence from classes of not more than 30 days;
    15. apply for student loans on terms laid down in separate regulations.
  1. A doctoral student is obliged to:
    1. follow the wording of the oath;
    2. follow the wording of the Code of Ethics of Doctoral Students;
    3. comply with the provisions of these Regulations for doctoral studies;
    4. complete all modules;
    5. conscientiously and diligently pursue the educational programme and the individual research plan;
    6. participate in obligatory educational activities according to the study plan with a minimum attendance of 80% and 100% in elective modules including excused absences;
    7. complete professional training in the form of teaching or participating in the teaching to the extent specified in the study plan; a template of the agreement on unpaid obligatory teaching training is included in Appendix 6;
    8. submit reports on the progress of his/ her scientific work, together with an opinion of his/ her supervisor on the implementation of the tasks included in his/ her individual study plans; a report for the previous academic year shall be submitted by the end of September of each calendar year; the requirement to submit a report does not apply to doctoral students who are subject to mid-term evaluation in a given academic year (Appendix 7);
    9. submit a declaration to heads of relevant disciplines for the purpose of evaluation of the quality of scientific activity, authorising the university to demonstrate scientific/artistic achievements within the discipline in which the doctoral thesis is being prepared, or in one of the disciplines included in the field in which the doctoral thesis is being prepared;
    10. possess an electronic researcher’s ID compliant with international standards;
    11. report data and information to the Integrated System of Information on Science and Higher Education “POL-on”;
    12. comply with fire safety and occupational health and safety rules and regulations and other regulations in force at the University;
    13. forthwith notify the Director of any change of name and address, as well as of any other data required by the University;
    14. respond promptly (not more than 30 days) to correspondence sent from the University;
    15. have and communicate in matters related to the University using e-mail in the domain sd.pb.edu.pl.
    16. notify the DSBUT Secretariat in writing of the submission of the thesis.
§ 12
Doctoral scholarship
  1. A doctoral student who does not hold a doctoral degree in any discipline receives a doctoral scholarship.
  2. The total duration of a doctoral scholarship in the DSBUT may not exceed four years.
  3. The period referred to in section 2 does not include the period of suspension of education or the period when the DSBUT does not provide education in a given discipline.
  4. The amount of the monthly doctoral scholarship shall be at least:
    1. 37% of the professor’s salary – until the month in which the mid-term evaluation was conducted;
    2. 57% of the professor’s salary – after the month in which the mid-term evaluation was conducted.
  1. The amount of the doctoral scholarship may depend on the achievements of a doctoral student.
  2. During the period of suspension, the provisions on maternity allowance shall be applied for determining the amount of a doctoral student’s scholarship; however, the basis for the calculation of the scholarship shall be understood to be the amount of the monthly doctoral student’s scholarship, as referred to in section 4, due on the date of the application for suspension.
  3. A doctoral student holding a disability certificate, a certificate of the degree of disability or a certificate referred to in Article 5 and Article 62 of the Act of 27 August 1997 on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and the Employment of Persons with Disabilities (Journal of Laws 2020, item 426, as amended) shall receive a doctoral scholarship increased by 30% of the amount indicated in section 4, subsection 1.
  4. A doctoral student who has submitted his/ her doctoral thesis at an earlier date than the completion date provided for in the study plan shall receive a doctoral scholarship until the date on which the completion date expires, but for no longer than 6 months.
  5. The doctoral scholarship shall be paid by the University.
  6. A doctoral student loses the right to receive a scholarship in case of being removed from the register of doctoral students. The scholarship payment shall cease on the first day of the month following the month in which the decision on the removal became final.
  7. A doctoral student may not be employed as an academic teacher or a research employee. It does not apply to the employment of a doctoral student:
    1. for the purpose of carrying out a research project funded by a programme or competition announced by NAWA, NCBiR, NCN or an international competition for carrying out a research project;
    2. for the duration of a research or teaching project financed:
      a) from funds coming from the budget of the European Union,
      b) by another entity providing a grant;
    3. after a mid-term evaluation completed with a positive result, except that in the case of employment exceeding half-time, the amount of the scholarship is 40% of the monthly scholarship referred to in section 4 item 2;
    4. who is not eligible for a doctoral scholarship.
  1. A scholarship may be awarded to a doctoral student by a unit of local government under the terms of the Act.
  2. A scholarship may be awarded to a doctoral student by a natural person or a legal entity that is not a state or local government legal entity under the rules set forth in the Act.
§ 13
Documenting the course of education
  1. The DSBUT shall keep records of the course of education.
  2. Documentation of the course of education is maintained by the Director.
  3. The doctoral student is given a successive university album number.
  4. The following data about the doctoral student shall be entered in the doctoral student’s album:
    1. album number;
    2. start date of education in the Doctoral School;
    3. name(s) and surname;
    4. date and place of birth;
    5. PESEL number, or failing that – the number of the identity document and the name of the issuing country;
    6. information on the document that forms the basis for applying for admission to the Doctoral School: name of the university, number, date and place of issue of the Diploma of completion of studies;
    7. scientific discipline;
    8. year of study for which he was accepted;
    9. date and reason for leaving the School.
  1. The album number is also used for the doctoral student’s personal file.
  2. In the student’s personal file the following documents are included:
    1. an application for admission to the DSBUT addressed to the Recruitment Committee of the relevant discipline;
    2. personal questionnaire for a doctoral student (Appendix 2);
    3. a duplicate of a certified copy of a master’s degree , master’s in engineering degree or equivalent diploma certified as a true copy by an employee of the University;
    4. a medical certificate on the absence of contraindications to study in the Doctoral School;
    5. copies of documents confirming at least B1 level English language skills (e.g. certificate, supplement to a university diploma) certified as a true copy by an employee of the University. In the case of a person whose native language is English, the above requirement does not apply;
    6. the act of taking the oath signed by the doctoral student;
    7. doctoral student’s periodic achievement cards;
    8. mid-term evaluation document;
    9. decisions on the course of education.
  1. Doctoral student’s periodic achievement cards include:
    1. name(s) and surname of a doctoral student;
    2. album number;
    3. name and title, academic or artistic degree or professional title of the person supervising examinations or final tests;
    4. names of courses, including professional training, per semester or per year;
    5. rules for determining the form of verification of the achievements of a doctoral student in the course of a semester or a year;
    6. credits;
    7. the date and signature of the person supervising the examination or final tests.
  1. Before submitting a doctoral thesis, the supervisor gives an opinion stating that the doctoral thesis meets the requirements set out in art. 187 of the Act.
  2. The education of a doctoral student in the School ends with the submission of a doctoral thesis that meets the requirements specified in art. 187 of the Act.
  3. The completion of the doctoral education is recorded in the doctoral student’s album.
§ 14
Beneficiaries of research projects
    In the case of doctoral students recruited as beneficiaries of research projects in accordance with the DSBUT Admission Rules, the provisions of these Regulations shall apply accordingly, with the exception that termination of the research project, termination of the contract regulating the research project for any reason, or termination of cooperation with the financing entity shall be treated as discontinuation of pursuing the individual research plan.
§ 15
Final provisions

The following Appendices form an integral part of these Regulations: