May 21, 2021


21 maja o godzinie 16:00 na platformie MS Teams odbędzie się wykład pt. “Preparing For Professional Career“, który wygłosi dr Andu Dukpa.

Preparing For Professional Career

The common expectation of a student soon after completion of a university is to get employed. Although there could be several reasons as to why one seeks employment, the dominant reason is the need for survival and livelihood. As a student in the university, especially in the final year of academic programme, one often gets entangled deeply in the academic world and tends to get detached from the realities of life. Quite often, one takes it for granted that the ‘job’ will come easy as long as one obtains a formal degree. However, it takes hard work, perseverance and broad outlook on life in order to get employed in a relevant organization.

Second part of the lecture session will discuss diverse topics that ranges from problem-based learning (PBL) pedagogy in higher education institutes, its impact and how it would benefit various players to topics that are targeted towards helping those who are about to graduate from universities and ready to join the labour market. Discussion will also include tips on how to excel in a job interview and the importance of engineering ethics at work place.

For those who are already employed, the lecture will also discuss a series of requisites for excelling at work place.