Godło Polski Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology


Dates of interviews for candidates for DSBUT in the academic year 2024/2025 and in individual disciplines:

Lo. Discipline Date Hour Faculty, room
1. automation, electronic, electrical engineering and space technologies 11.09.2024 r. 10.00 WE, stationary
2. information and communication technology 13.09.2024 r. 10.00 WI, stationary
3. biomedical engineering 11.09.2024 r. ____ WM, 107, stationary
4. civil engineering, geodesy and transport 11.09.2024 r. 08:30 WBiNoŚ, stationary
5. mechanical engineering 11.09.2024 r.  09:30 WM, 107, stationary
6. environmental engineering, mining and energy 11.09.2024 r. 10:00 WBiNoŚ, 1/2 Inno Eko Tech, stationary
7. management and quality studies 11.09.2024 r. 10:00 WIZ, s. 114, Rady Wydziału, stationary
Admissions calendar

Admissions to the Doctoral School of Białystok University of Technology (DSBUT) in the academic year 2024/2025 takes place according to the following calendar:

Date Activities
31.05.2024 r. Forwarding to the Director of DSBUT the theses topics and scopes, positively approved by the Discipline Council.
08.07.2024 r. – 02.09.2024 r. Registration and enrollment in Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology
11.09.2024 r. – 13.09.2024 r. Interviews with candidates by Admissions Committees.
till 20.09.2024 r. Announcement of admission results.
23.09.2024 r. – 25.09.2024 r. Submission of original documents to the secretariat of Doctoral School of Białystok University of Technology (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, room 340).

Admission limits to Doctoral School of BUT within the discipline in the academic year 2024/2025:

  • automation, electronic, electrical engineering and space technologies – 7 people,
  • information and communication technology – 5 people,
  • biomedical engineering – 3 people,
  • civil engineering, geodesy and transport – 4 people,
  • mechanical engineering – 6 people,
  • environmental engineering, mining and energy – 8 people,
  • management and quality studies – 7 people.


Proposals of topics and scopes of doctoral dissertations in the academic year 2024/2025:

automation, electronic, electrical engineering and space technologies (PDF, wersja dostępna cyfrowo, 202 KB)

information and communication technology (PDF, wersja dostępna cyfrowo, 192 KB)

biomedical engineering (PDF, wersja dostępna cyfrowo, 144 KB)

civil engineering, geodesy and transport (PDF, wersja dostępna cyfrowo, 145 KB)

mechanical engineering (PDF, wersja dostępna cyfrowo, 226 KB)

environmental engineering, mining and energy (PDF, wersja dostępna cyfrowo, 192 KB)

management and quality studies (PDF, wersja dostępna cyfrowo, 207 KB)


Registration and enrollment in Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology in the IRK system:

Admission process to the Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology (DSBUT) for 2024/2025 is conducted according to the following rules:

EN_Admission rules for 2024_2025 (PDF, wersja dostępna cyfrowo, 192 KB)

Candidates applying for admission to the Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology are obliged to submit the following information through the IRK system (online admissions platform):

Apendix 1 (DOCX, 17 KB)




Admission process to the Doctoral School of Bialystok University of Technology (DSBUT) in 2023/2024 is conducted according to the following rules:

§ 1
  1. The admission procedure is conducted through an open competition.
  2. Admissions procedures are performed by Admissions Committees, hereinafter referred to as ‘Committees’. The committees are appointed for a period of 1 year by the Rector on request of the Heads of Disciplines, with the opinion of the Director of the DSBUT, independently for each discipline in which education is provided in the DSBUT.
  3. The Committee in a given discipline shall consist of: Head of Discipline; at least two employees of the University representing the discipline, holding the academic title of Professor or the academic degree of DSc (with positive periodic evaluation of the employee) and a representative of the Council of Doctoral Students’ Self-government (as an observer). Authors of research topics (in an advisory capacity) selected by the candidates and experts from the disciplines (in an advisory capacity) may be invited to participate in the work. The Chair of the Committee shall be the Head of Discipline.
  4. Where one of the members of the Committee is the author or supervisor of the topic they shall not participate in the assessment of the candidate recruited for that research topic.
  5. The DSBUT admissions process shall be supervised by the DSBUT Director.
§ 2
  1. Admissions to the DSBUT shall be according to the calendar announced by the Director of the DSBUT not later than by 31 May in a given admissions year.
  2. A person authorized to promote doctoral students submits to the appropriate Discipline Council the topics and scopes of doctoral theses (in Polish or in Polish and English) in the disciplines managed by the DSBUT together with the consent of a direct supervisor for access to laboratory infrastructure for the period of working on a doctoral thesis if the candidate is admitted to the DSBUT (Appendix 1).
  3. The Head of Discipline shall forward the theses topics and scopes, positively approved by the Discipline Council, to the Director of the DSBUT. Topics and scopes of doctoral theses are announced on the DSBUT website.
  4. A person may be admitted to the DSBUT if he/she holds a second-cycle degree (MA, MSc or equivalent) or is a person referred to in Article 186 (2) of the Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 478, as amended), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”. Candidates applying for admission to the DSBUT are required to submit the documents listed in Appendix 1 to the Regulations for the DSBUT according to the admissions calendar. Additionally, in the case of a candidate applying for admission to the DSBUT, as referred to in Article 186 (2) of the Act, a list and results of works and scientific research projects of high level and advancement carried out by the candidate, confirmed by two opinions issued by scientists holding at least the degree of PhD are required.
  5. A person may apply for admission to the DSBUT if he/she has a grade of good or higher (or equivalent to those) on the graduation diploma.
  6. In exceptional cases, justified by the highest quality of academic achievements, a person referred to in Article 186, item 2 of the Act may be accepted to the DSBUT. If a candidate applying for admission to the DSBUT is a graduate of the first-cycle studies, the grade from the diploma of those studies shall be used for the above scoring. If a candidate applying for admission to the DSBUT is a student who has completed the third year of a long-term master’s degree, the above score shall be calculated on the basis of the average of the grades obtained in the completed years of study.
  7. A person may apply for admission to the DSBUT if he/she submits a document confirming at least B1 level English language skills (e.g. certificate, supplement to a university diploma). In the case of a person whose native language is English, the above requirement does not apply.
  8. A candidate for the DSBUT in a given academic year may apply for one topic from among the submitted topics referred to in section 3.
  9. The documents required from the candidate for the admissions process, as listed in Appendix 1 to the DSBUT Regulations, shall be submitted through the IRK system (online admissions platform).
  10. The interview of the candidate shall include verification of the candidate’s knowledge of the discipline.
  11. The candidate’s presentation on the research topic should include:
    1. presentation of the current state of research, sources, literature (bibliographical list);
    2. indication of the research methods planned for the topic;
    3. anticipated scientific results.
§ 3
  1. The committee shall evaluate applicants in four categories during the interview process:
    1. interview – score from 0 points to 5 points;
    2. grade from the graduation diploma which is converted into points according to the following rule: excellent – 5 points, very good – 4 points, good plus – 3 points, good – 2 points;
    3. research achievements (publications, participation in conferences, implementation of research projects, patents) and others – score from 0 to 5 points;
    4. presentation of the research project concerning the topic of the planned doctoral thesis – score from 0 to 5.
  2. A minimum of 4.0 points (P), calculated according to the formula, is required for admission to the DSBUT:
    P = 0,35 x interview + 0,2 x diploma grade + 0,2 x achievements + 0,25 x presentation.
  3. In the case of a subject for which more than one candidate has applied, only the candidate with the highest score shall be included in the ranking list.
  4. Based on the scores received, a ranked list of candidates is compiled independently for each academic discipline.
  5. If several candidates ranked last in the ranking list obtain the same number of points, which entitles them to be admitted to the DSBUT, the candidate with the highest number of points from an interview calculated according to the formula in subsection 2 shall be admitted. If candidates have the same scores, the following order of ranking applies: diploma grade, achievement, presentation. If the scores are the same in all categories, all these candidates shall be admitted. Before admitting these candidates, the Director shall request the Rector’s consent to exceed the limit of places. In the absence of consent, none of these candidates shall be admitted.
§ 4
  1. A person may be admitted to the DSBUT beyond the set number of places referred to in § 2 (10) of the Regulations, if he/she is a beneficiary of a project, programme or competition announced by NAWA, NCBiR, NCN or an international competition for the realization of a research project or realises a research project financed from the funds coming from the budget of the European Union or by another entity awarding a grant and for this reason is granted financing of a doctoral scholarship in the amount not lower than that stipulated in article 209, item 478 of the Act on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 478, as amended) together with coverage of social security contributions.
  2. The implementation of the project, programme, competition or other research project referred to in subsection 1 shall form part of the individual research plan of the candidate for the DSBUT.
  3. The period of funding referred to in subsection 1 should be provided for a minimum of 24 months.
  4. During the recruitment process, the candidate referred to in subsection 1 shall submit certificates from the financing entity confirming fulfilment of the conditions referred to in subsections 1 – 3.
  5. In order to be admitted to the SDBUT, a candidate referred to in subsection 1 must fulfil the requirements laid down in the regulations or agreements governing a given project, programme or competition on which the financing of a doctoral scholarship depends, and successfully complete the recruitment process to the DSBUT.
  6. The provisions of § 3 (1) (3)-(5) do not apply to the candidates referred to in subsection 1.
§ 5
  1. The decision on the admission of candidates to the DSBUT shall be taken by the competent Committee.
  2. The admission to the DSBUT shall be effected by way of enrolling in the list of doctoral students.
  3. The decision on the refusal of admission to the DSBUT shall be made by an administrative decision of the Rector. The administrative decision of the Rector on refusal may be signed by authorised Chairs of a Committee.
  4. The candidate may, within 14 days from the date of notification of the decision, apply for reconsideration of the case by the Rector. An application for reconsideration by the Rector shall be submitted through the Committee, which shall issue an opinion on the case. The decision of the Rector shall be final.
  5. The results of the admission procedure are public.